by Ashwell Glasson and Clare Wahlgren and the Crucible Services tribe.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

First Resorts achieves accreditation with the Tourism & Hospitality Sector Education Training Authority.

Straight from the training floor to my blog for you training tribe members. First Resorts, a client of ours that has been actively pursuing an enhancement and training department development project, has just achieved Tourism, Hospitality & Sport Education Authority (THETA) accreditation status.

Charne Webb, Varsha Budhram (pictured above yesterday)and the First Resorts management team commitment has shone through. Although vocational training accreditation within South Africa is often viewed as an onerous process it actually adds a few more arrows to the training quiver. Like any legalistic process the accreditation process for training departments can provide an excellent benchmark to review and reflect on existing training and development practice. First Resorts is already recognised as a top resort management company and considering that the resort business is all people and service-driven, it came as no surprise that the drive to develop and grow the staff into high performers as well as give them formal recognition for their expertise was an inevitable step.

That step has taken the team on a long journey into the unknown. We have been honoured to share some of this important process with Charne and Varsha. This process has seen the introduction of a quality driven framework as well as the development of resource-rich learning materials and most importantly, incorporating key requirements of the business and the resort operations.

Noting that most of the resorts employ rural staff with low literacy and education levels, we (First Resorts and Crucible Services) targeted this group of staff as the primary beneficiaries for accredited training programmes for the pilot phase of training. These programmes include a full year certificate in hospitality reception, the coal face of the resort business. Where service with a smile really does mean exactly that, no matter what time of the day or night or how you are feeling at the time.

The THETA decision in itself validates the training approach and vision of First Resorts, acknowledging the work and commitment of the training and development team over the last twelve months. At a higher level this supports the perspective of the executive in acknowledging the importance of staff to the business model and actually acting upon it in a decisive and pro-active way.

Well the next step in the process is to pilot the approved training at selected resorts and learn from its success and its challenges and continue to grow the offering of approved training.

The key learning here for other training departments is to consider a more comprehensive approach to training planning, by linking training projects to pilot projects where the training team can deliver on the current need of the departments, whilst testing the waters with other types of interventions. This kind of approach separates the traditional 'reactive-style' training department from that of a more proactive exploratory team that links new training interventions to business objectives whilst also supporting community and social development needs. First Resorts is proving that it is evolving into a triple-bottom line citizen that will play a sigificant role wherever it operates throughout South Africa.

In the global arena Technical and Vocational Training (TVET) is often the province of publicly managed education and training providers or institutions, but the training and education provision can be successfully delivered by key sectors in partnership with public frameworks.

This powerful partnership between business and the public sector can harness inherent strengths of both players in a creative and innovative fashion. The support from THETA during the process was excellent, thorough and focused. Achieving the common goal of people development and growth is the key issue here, not necessarily the architecture and structure of how it is done. The common language of people development is a powerful catalyst for both the private and public sector to collaborate and work on. Both role-players can acknowledge that they cannot do it on their own. That acknowledgement is key. Which is where we all need to be heading, people growth for rapidly changing world.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Skills development on the move to Higher Education & Training.

The national elections have come and gone with all the campaigns and promises to match. The split of the Education Department came as no suprise, as many educators and trainers have felt strongly that it was too cumbersome a portfolio for one department to handle. From early childhood development (ECD) through to workplace education and training it was a great challenge for Naledi Pandor to drive. Particularly because of the separation of powers with regards to the provincial departments which act fairly autonomously from the National Department and have proven to be rather badly managed. Ongoing logistical support problems for schools and colleges have been the order of the day for quite some time.

Our keen interest lies with Dr. Nzimande who as an ex-academic himself from the University of Natal heads into the hot seat driving both higher education as well as workplace training. A recent insider tip has skills development and its related organs all falling under his new department. Thus severing the ties with the Department of Labour and its key role in actively managing the skills development process in South Africa.

With the rather intricate legal mechanisms in place there will no doubts be a overhaul or series of major amendments to all the skills development, further education and high education acts to reflect this change. What does this all mean for us out there? Well it looks like the Sector Education & Training Authoritie's will fall under the new Higher Education and Training Ministry and that the skills levies and supporting funds like the National Skills Fund will be realigned to implement the new reality.

We can only congratulate the new Minister and wish him and his team the best of luck. We look forward to a more focused and integrated era under his watch. Hopefully some of the issues that plagued the Department of Labour (DoL)and the Department of Education (DoE) historically will not be a feature of the new structure moving forward. In my view policy development and project planning expertise has been lacking in both departments for quite sometime and a focus on integrated and joined-up policy is needed. Knowing that the new National Planning Commission is housed within the Office of the Presidency driven by Trevor Manuel provides some relief in sight for me. But rather than focusing on planning the concept of an integrated monitoring and evaluation system also housed within the Office of the Presidency provides even more hope. It is within that realm that skills development and training has suffered due to teh late detection of implementation issues of various public-led training projects. Particularly learnerships and related activities. It will be very interesting to see how the existing education and training quality assurance (ETQA) framework will contribute to the state led monitoring and evaluation (M & E) mechanisms.

Until then we are moving into our last month before submitting Workplace Skills Plans (WSP) and Annual Training Reports (ATR) to our respective SETA's. If you have not done so yet, I would sincerly suggest that you start your workplace training needs planning for the year ahead. Bear in mind that the skills levy and grant cycle runs from 30 June to 30 June over a twelve month period. So your plans for 2009-2010 and your report for the year 2008-2009 are almost due.

Make sure you have your registered skills development facilitator (SDF) working on it for you. A first step is designing a training needs analysis tool and reviewing the SETA template for the WSP submission which have all been loaded up on to the various SETA websites. If you are a large organisation you should be scheduling a training committee meeting to examine the companies training needs. I will be posting some more tips on skills and training planning for you all shortly.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Coverage of our work for CCN in the Sunday Tribune

Well several months of hard work with an incredibly dedicated team ably led by Mark Grant has fulfilled a long term vision of having a knowledge oriented construction portal serving both the information seekers such as Architects as well as Quantity Surveyors and the construction suppliers. With the irregular rhythm of the global economy constantly causing new bouts of uncertainty, positive projects like this always prove the old adage. That in times of adversity, opportunities abound, if you are willing to grasp them. Marks seminal vision and dedication to building a truly embracing service for the construction industry has been absolutely infectious. As you can tell, as a passionate sustainable development and training advocate such as myself has fallen for his dream of uusing the web to bring benefits to both the suppliers and users of construction related information.

It has been an absolute pleasure to have played a small role in the content development and team side of this stimulating and leading edge project. It is well worthwhile reviewing it if you have a chance. Even if you have absolutely nothing to do with the construction industry.

Whay would you ask? Well the entire concept incorporates the growing idea of green-ratings in the building and construction sectors as well as promotes knowledge creation and training to build expertise. The recent coverage of our work in the Sunday Tribune this past Sunday certainly supports Marks great efforts and vision using the web to drive the industry in new and exciting directions.